Tuesday, August 29, 2006


It started this morning, when I was driving to my hair appointment, and this Acura behind me had his stereo on so loud my car was vibrating. I was keeping an appointment that was rescheduled after my hairdresser stood me up. She says that I wrote down the wrong date in my agenda. So, we agreed to reschedule for this morning. I waited outside for a half hour at a closed salon. My hair is still long. This was the completely wrong time to do this again, as the end of the month is extremely busy for me with my day job. Add a custom order for three sweaters to that, and preparing for the Renegade Craft Fair, and you have the makings of a meltdown. So, next week, me and my long hair will be finding a different hairdresser. Which is too bad. My hair had been looking really good these last few years. This excursion had me running late for my long distance job, which I had deferred from yesterday because I didn' t want to drive fifty miles one way in driving rain. I'm funny that way. At the end of the day, my foot is still a throbbing, stinging mess. Which is why I did not attend my last Guild meeting, or any KIP events at the Art Institute. I want my knitting with a chair, coffee, and pastry. At the end of the day, it's just too much walking right now, and neither event had nearby parking. The most annoying thing in my life right now, is that the photos for my book have to be re-formatted into a different type file. A few hundred images. It's a long story, but it appears that one department at my publisher's doesn't interface with the other--why their tech people can't do this function escapes me, and any one I have asked to help me with this. It's frustrating and scary, as details like what kind of files they wanted were omitted when we called before the shoot. The scary part is that more than half of what was spent on photography was from my savings. If any of you out there think that putting together a book is all glamour and book signings, and TNNA, I can tell you that it's not. I can't even imagine getting that far--I was pretty sure I was D-list as far as authors go, and after this experience, I can confirm. Like I've been thrown under a bus. The good thing about today, is that Piccolo has discovered the nook under my desk, and is resting here under my feet as I vent.


Angela said...

Grrrr....I've often wondered why, if I have to keep all my s**t together, why others don't have to do the same. I see you have similar experiences! Hang in there--sometimes things really do happen for reasons that aren't clear until later.

sweetfigs said...

Can we talk Project Runway already?

I would send you to my hairdresser 'cause she's good & cheap, but she's not so good with the scheduling. Once when our appt started late, as usual, she stopped with the scissors in midair (nooooo, pls keep cutting, this is already taking too long!) and told me she was late every day of her senior year at Lane Tech H.S. Waa waa.

Sorry to hear the book's photos are kicking your butt.