I guess being house bound had its advantages. The manuscript and photos are flying off to New York, guaranteed to be on my editor's desk tomorrow morning. It's a big load off. I'm hoping to have a lot of fun this weekend and next, and doing some pleasure knitting. No dog things for two weeks! Let's knit for mommy! At the same time, I'm anxious about the response to my work. I think I've stayed true to my design aesthetic: comfortable, the best materials, a fresh look at color, and fine craftsmanship. I'm hoping that other eyes looking at it will see the same. I'm also hoping that I get my point across in the text. One thing I know for sure--the photography is remarkable. It's making me a little nuts that there are so many books on the same topic out there, and likely more to come before mine is available. So, now I'm waiting for that celebratory cake that the Man promised! Hey--and my ma-han, Captain Save-a-ho, won the Project Runway challenge tonight. You've just gotta love him. I'm getting a little concerned about my other picks for the top three--it looks like Robert may crash and burn, and Uli is doing more of the same. Maybe Angela has a chance. She's starting to surprise me.
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