Sunday, November 05, 2006

Stick a Fork In Me

Because I'm done. That's my initial assessment of the damages done this year. This photo was from the 2004 event because, well, my set up didn't look much different. I didn't get much of a chance to stay with my display because of what I previously mentioned, and when I was there, got to hear lovely comments like "I wouldn't spend money on that beast!" Nice dog owner. Then, there's always the classic "this is too nice for a dog" comment that I hear at just about every show. This kind of takes the wind out of me as I should be gearing up for the very big and prestigious One of a Kind Show. I'm taking myself out of the loop as far as volunteering is concerned. After telling the Man about some of my problems, his question was, "what made you think that being in charge of anything would come to any good?" Sort of like "no good deed goes unpunished." I felt liberated after hearing him say that. The show will go on, the world will keep turning. My presence in this organization is not essential. So, moving forward, I will have one additional night spent at home every month. The only good thing today was Lindsay Obermeyer's lecture, which, regretfully was not well attended. Which is a real shame. It was so interesting to get to know that part of Lindsay, who I've known for about ten years, I guess. I missed seeing some people that I went to grade school with, which is sort of too bad, but I was not at my best, so maybe that's okay too.

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