Friday, November 02, 2007

How to Say My Name: A Primer

Why am I posting this? Here's what happened today.
My sweaters have been in the fashion show at the Fine Art of Fiber for the last three years that there's been a show. I use my mannequins on the stage. Dogs aren't allowed at the Chicago Botanic Garden, and I think on a stage might potentially be a disaster. I saw the show program, and my name wasn't listed. I said something. "Yes, you are." Fine print on the reverse side. I left the house early to get my mannequins dressed and to the stage. I was scolded when I moved a plant so the mannequin could be on a pedestal, and not on the floor, so more people than just in the front row could see them. The commentator, an over-accessorised woman who imagines that she's stylish and amusing, presents the show, then presents the curtain call. No mention of my garments. Not mentioned until half the audience has already left the auditorium. Then completely f**ks up my name. All of it.
About the name. It's ethnic. Thanks go to my parents for giving me a unique name that no one says correctly. I'm used to it being mispronounced. To the point where I don't correct people. I usually go along with being called Korhynn. (the Man gets around it my calling me Sweety or Neez) But in this setting, when my work is being presented to an audience, it matters. To not prepare in advance to find out how to say my name is a show of disrespect. To me, and to my work. Maybe they don't see it as art. I don't see a sparkly eyelash shawl as art, but maybe that's just me. But here's the thing--you disrespect me here, but next week a dozen of my pieces of work are going to Michigan. To be in an art show. All five of the next shows I'm in because I've been invited. I didn't apply to be in the prestigious One of a Kind Show last year, I was invited. I didn't write a book and seek out a publisher. The publisher sought out me. So, perhaps that means that my work is valued somewhere.
My dogs are sitting out of tomorrow's repeat fashion show, and already I see November 2008's show schedule getting lighter.


Kim said...

Kor-een - sad struggles with proununciation. Don't blame you a bit for feeling that way, either. NOW I know, too, and will not call you cor-rhin anymore.

By the way, LOVE the entrelac sweater in your photo!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, that blows. For whatever it's worth, I think your creations are amazing, and I'm in awe of your talent. I promise to pronounce your name correctly if we ever meet in person.