Thursday, November 08, 2007

Piccolo Love

I've had that overwhelming feeling these past few days. It started with Piccolo on the sofa, propped up on pillows so she was curled up and sleeping at the same level as my face when I sat on the sofa next to her. I could put my head on the pillow, and my face into hers, and just breathe her in. There was no flinching by Piccolo to have me so close to her little face, but she just looked into my eyes and drifted off into sleep. The love and the trust just moves me. I just want to cuddle her, play with her, and keep her safe. And, knit her more sweaters.
I was thinking about last weekend, and how that event has become to be not a good fit. I'm moving forward, and my work is going to be in some new venues. Most of what was in the room at the FAOF was the same stuff that was being made four years ago, or longer, since my involvement was just those past four years. How can you call something a fashion show when most of it has little to do with what's modern, or in fashion? It is a reminder to me to keep pushing, about keeping what I make fresh and exciting.

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