The adventures of a knit designer, her dog, and yarn stash. I'm the author of Doggie Knits, Sweaters and Accessories for Your Best Friend.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Non-Christmas
This is how you know your relationship has matured:
Me (on December 23): "Did you get me anything for Christmas? I didn't get anything for you. I couldn't think of anything."
the Man: "Not yet."
Me: "That's okay."
We were both orphaned this Christmas. My family in Denver, and his at a far away suburb (for him) that he didn't want to spend the day in. I was eager to escape from the anticipated chaos that was going to be my apartment, with all those unruly kids and second hand smoke. So, I convinced him to play house in Wisconsin. Up to Fontana for a quiet holiday. My mom's house is on top of a hill, and the driveway icy, so we had to park next door and climb up. The next day, the Man wanted to go out for coffee (and food), and I gave some thought to what might be open. It occured to me that we were in a resort town, so it was likely that people would be spending the holiday at the Abbey Resort, and they would need to be fed. I couldn't talk him into the champagne brunch, which looked incredible, so we ended up having omelets in the resort coffee shop/bar. It was a very low key holiday, and a great escape. I made dinner, not fancy, just familiar. Spaghetti with meat sauce that we had both nights. I worked on some projects, and finished a vest and a cardigan. Saving them for future posts so I have something to write about while I'm working on the Big Move.
Out of town, just us. This is how I want to spend every Christmas.