Monday, August 18, 2008


Today, I called the publisher to inform them again about my address change so the royalties come to the right place.  I don't know if there is some serious lag time between actual numbers sold, and what they have.  The number appears small to me, or my Barnes and Noble and Amazon placements are meaningless.

Another error was found in the body band of the Agnes sweater, pictured above, in the book.  I don't have the samples here to do the corrections, but this part could easily be "winged."  I sometimes just follow my own "what looks right" method when it comes to picking up stitches for a band, and more or less ignore the instructions.

Having some issues here in the Lucky Penny household, regarding some unwanted occupants.  The landlady, who lives below me, and is crazy, probably has them as well.  I told her about this problem a few months ago, and she refused to do anything about it. On Saturday morning, before I left for Michigan, instead of just seeing evidence, I saw one dart across the kitchen floor.  I'm doing some research about what can be done to get this woman to take action, and it could get ugly, and perhaps involve city officials.  Already the Man and I have had fights about this.  I'm so angry.  Will I ever be able to find a decent home?
Soothed myself with lovely yarn at Michigan.  I cast on for a vest with Briar Rose Fibers Dream Weaver, and a cabled sweater from A Fine Fleece with a decadent Cormo.  The Cormo was my big splurge.


rita said...

I finished my first Agnes Sweater on Sunday, and it's lovely! I'm with you, I pretty much wing it when picking up stitches, and it usually comes out okay.

Today at our "back to school" citywide meeting, I had your book out to show my friend some photos (she has a Pug granddog) and the woman sitting next to me fell in love with your patterns. She's asked me to knit one for her Shih-Tzu. And it turns out that her groomer is my niece. Small world!

Kim said...

Have you used Dreamweaver before? I love this yarn and the 'springiness' of it!