Friday, February 05, 2010

The Piccolo Quilt Explosion

The best part of being self- or under- or whatever you may call it-employed is getting to spend more time with her.  The creatures benefitting most from my situation are Piccolo, who now hardly spends any time alone, and the Man.  Lots of home cooking going on here. 
I have found some yummy foods in the last few weeks.  One thing that I'm not going to give up is good coffee.  I love, love Intelligentsia Coffee, a local company, and found that they have a special brew for a neighborhood restaurant, Cafe Selmarie.  I brought some for home!  It's the best.
Another discovery was Frontera white bean chili starter.  I add white meat, like chicken, turkey, or pork, one can of white beans, and the jar of starter.  Over elbow macaroni, garnished with shredded cheese, green onion, and cilantro.  I love Mexican flavors and food, I could seriously eat it every day.
Piccolo has some skin issues recently, and our vet recommended fish oil.  I tried to start both of us on it, and one morning had horrible fishy tasting belches.  Giving up for me, but I had the idea that I would supplement Piccolo with fish now and then instead of the oil. She doesn't always clean her dish, so I do get concerned.  She really doesn't eat that much, except if it came to our food, she would have no satiety at all.  So, I have a little piece of Coho salmon on the stove for her tonight. 

1 comment:

rita said...

I sincerely hope this is not the case, but Piccolo's skin problems got my attention.

My little terrier mix, Zippy, suddenly got very ill three weeks ago just before a snowstorm. The vet prescribed antibiotics and gave him SQ fluids. Two nights later he was vomiting after a couple of teaspoons of water every time we gave him some, so we dug out and, in the middle of the night, drove to the emergency vet.

Zippy was diagnosed with off-the-chart high blood sugar (higher than what their machine could read, and he hadn't eaten anything for three days), pancreatitis, and kidney disease. And one of the symptoms of diabetes--itchy skin. My vet always thought it was a flea allergy and Zip had been on and off steriods for the last couple of years. Steroids can induce diabetes in susceptible dogs (and Cairn terriers are very susceptible) (Zip looked like a Cairn, but since he was a rescue, we'll never know) and actually GIVE it to other dogs.

I never knew. It breaks my heart.

Just in case you want to have Piccolo tested.