Friday, June 16, 2006

Taking It on the Road

It's hot. I don't want to drive tomorrow. But the Man insists on going, and being an accommodating partner, we're packing up the car. But, first a stop to Piccolo's accommodations for the weekend. She will spend her time as far back in her little cage as she can, not making a move, so people might not notice that she's there. Not the happiest arrangement, but safer than riding in the hot car. I think it was too hot for her last time we went. The only thing that made the trip bearable for her is the second night spent at my mom's house, which can't happen this weekend because she's away helping my brother and sister-in-law unpack. I hope the hotel won't be crummy this time like the last. I want to do some work while the man is logging in his requisite ten hours of sleep tomorrow night. He says he will do some driving this time. I'm skeptical.

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