Five years ago, around this time of Summer, I was walking out of Knitting Workshop, crossing the street with a new issue of Vogue Knitting in one hand, and a coffee frappe in the other. I was wearing some fabulous backless platform sandals. I got one sandal caught on a section of pavement, went airborne, and landed in the middle of Webster Ave., twisting my right ankle in the process. I was on crutches for a few weeks, and in a walking cast for a few more. It sort of began this downward spiral in my life, with Gidget losing an eye a few days later, and me eventually losing the building that I had just moved into that summer. I was not good at navigating on crutches, and many little things that I normally take for granted, like walking my dog, taking out the garbage, grocery shopping, and laundry, now presented as difficult tasks. The Man was not very good at taking care of me, and we fought bitterly. Flash back to yesterday. I was crossing the street with Piccolo, stepped in a hole in the pavement, and twisted my left ankle. As the afternoon went on, it was clear that I needed to go to the emergency room. Which was a miserable experience. I love that when the nurse asked me if how bad the pain was from 1-10, when I said 10! she didn't offer me something! A few times in the waiting room, I was almost parked in the wheelchair next to a drunk who was so filthy, I just knew the smell of him would be unbearable. I had to ask the physician not to bend my foot that way again, until they finally gave me a muscle relaxant in the form of a shot. The nurse in the exam room kept telling me I looked "pissed off". Because I knew what was next. Crutches. I hate crutches. So, I'm sort of housebound, and dependent on the Man for household duties. Now attending Stitches is in question if I'm not crutch free in 8 days. I just remember how long it took to recover from the last injury when I was told it would only take a few days. I just hope this isn't the beginning of another negative cycle in my life.
oh no! i'm so sorry to hear you fell. it is hard having to get around on crutches. on the other hand, doesn't this mean more time for knitting?? try to rest and maybe you can still make it to stitches. :)
Gads, that sucks! I'm sending good thoughts your way. I know what it's like when "The Man" provides care and household duties. Sigh. It's not good. Can you ice your ankle? Take Ibuprofen? Something? I hope you get well soon.
I can't believe this! Corinne - I hope you are feeling better - that is the worst.
I know what you mean about having to use crutches - and doesn't crap like this always happen at the worst possible time - I wish you Healing Speed Aplenty!!!
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