Sunday, November 12, 2006


The events of the last few weeks have me thinking about how knitting connects me to the world. I'm certainly connected to my pet, mom, Man, and family through my knitting. I'm connected to the internet community through this blog and my website, and connected to other knitters in my local community. Some of my connections are positive, and some, not so much. If I sit in a coffee shop and knit with you--our connection is positive, and appreciated. If I participate in an event where most are pursuing their own agenda, then not so positive, and I should distance myself. I wished I had been at the Dulaan knit-a-thon last weekend. Lordy, that looked like all kinds of fun, was more fun than where I spent the weekend. That said, I'm itching to get started on probably the one community project I'll get time for this year. I'm waiting for yarn to arrive to start my Red Scarf, and hoping it will be my airplane knitting this week. I'm following the rules--red, machine washable, and will be unisex. I'm hoping a young man gets the finished scarf. What I've seen contributed so far looks lovely, but girly. I suppose a young man could pass it along to a girlfriend, but I'm hoping that a young man who's mostly alone in this world will be comforted by a wooly scarf. Speaking of red, I'm thinking a lot about that color lately. The last projects for the book have lots of red, and the next sweaters that I do for production knitting will be red, mostly because my next, and possibly last, show is a holiday theme. I want the sweaters to say holiday, but not in an obvious way, so no green with the red. I think. And, blame it on me inhaling the dye fumes of the Briar Rose order that's behind me as I write this--I finished the back, and may come close to finishing the front of another Rosebud vest tonight. I asked for a combination of reds and browns, thinking chocolate covered cherries, but got browns and a red more on the orange side, kind of like a spice combination. The game of telephone, remember, how when something gets repeated, then it gets distorted? This was telephone with one. The end result was pretty, but unexpected. Piccolo's sweater in the picture is the same Noro Kureyon colorway, #138, that I made my mom's sweater in. I believe in bright colors for dog sweaters. You can really see her from a distance!

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