Friday, September 28, 2007


Today I went downtown on public transportation to take care of that ticket I got at the beginning of August. I changed trains at the Belmont stop, which is partially under construction. The platform I was on was old, and the wood slats were soft, and they gave way as I walked across. As the platform began to fill with people, I had an awful image of the platform collapsing under all the people. I realized, going home, that I could have taken the Brown line that I was on all the way downtown. The walk to the Daley Center was pretty much the same distance. To anyone in Chicago, here's my advice--stay away from the Belmont stop if you can. I'm predicting disaster.
This is Karabella Cable cardigan, that I knit with Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran, being assembled. It's a cute sweater, but has fit issues. Having to do with my fleshy arms. The sleeves fit, but the section where the yoke and sleeve come together pull across the widest part of my arm. I sort of get a muffin top effect. I don't think it can me fixed. I would have to fix my body for this sweater. So, I guess I can knit that other navy sweater now.


Kim said...

Sorry about the fit - the pattern and yarn look beautiful and I love the color.

Laura said...

Oh, that's a shame about the fit.

I'll keep that in mind about Belmont. I guess I'm "lucky" that I can get to work on the bus.