Saturday, November 29, 2008

Your Dog is Cold

The Saturday nights just keep getting better here at Lucky Penny Headquarters.  Tonight I made turkey left overs, and fell asleep on the sofa.  I think there was a time in my life when it was a goal to be out of the house on Saturday, but I'm glad to be free of it.  I should have gone to work today for a few hours to try to catch up for the month, but I just couldn't get myself in the frame of mind to do it.  The day job gets to be kind of soul-sucking, when I'm thinking of some new stitch pattern that I'm going to incorporate into a design, or some new quilt project I want to make.  My other work problem is that I have a deadline in a few months to submit education hours to maintain my credentials, and I have some catch up to do.  It's ironic that I have to go to a lot of effort to keep something that I don't really care about.  Except for the pay, that is.

Tomorrow the first snow is expected in Chicago.  I've been doing some scrutiny about dogs being dressed outside, and it's pretty shameful.  The wind is whipping over Lake Michigan, it's cold, the owner is bundled up, and the little dog is left naked.  We're ready here.  I'm also having one of my best seasons ever at a shop downtown.  I guess people who have money are still spending it, thankfully.  I have to replenish my stock, which is a rare occurance. 

I was a little bummed out to see the current issue of The Bark magazine.  There was an article about knitting, that featured a book that wasn't Doggie Knits.  I had asked the publicity department at my publisher to send a book/press kit to them.  I wonder if they followed through.  It seems to me that an opportunity was missed.  I would be happy to do some more promotion for Doggie Knits, but I have no connections.  Isn't that what a publicist is for?
The photo is Dylan,  a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, wearing the Yoda sweater at the book signing/trunk show that was at Knitting Workshop earlier this fall.

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