Tuesday, February 09, 2010

What's Next?

I'm in a quandry about what to do for the Ravelympics event that starts on Friday.  I agreed to be on the Briar Rose team.  I have a few projects (!) going, but what to knit for this?  I can't imagine that I could complete a sweater in two weeks, but I found a few that have caught my eye.  There's also the possibility of doing another one of that vest I just finished and love.  I won't knit the project during business hours, as I'm trying to be disciplined about devoting that time to Lucky Penny only.  The project has to be somewhat portable, as I'm traveling this weekend!  If O'Hare doesn't close.  It will be a quick trip, so hopefully a certain person won't have time to completely trash the place like he did at Christmas. 
This is the Every Way Wrap from Interweave Knits, Fall 2009.  I didn't have a strong opinion about the design until I saw the garment in the Briar Rose booth at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool.  Their website has been updated, and looks terrific, if you want to take a look.  This is Abundance.  I'm about halfway through the project. 

1 comment:

Kim said...

VERY beautiful! The colors just jump! I am sweating a little about my Ravelympics commitment as I will be at Stitches West for the last part.