Thursday, November 03, 2011


What is a home to me?  It's a place where I can make a cup of coffee, and a simple meal.  It's a place where I can be creative and laugh, which is why Knit 1 feels like home.  More importantly, it's a place where Piccolo and I can feel safe.  We haven't felt safe for a long time now.  I've been talking about it for what seems to be forever, but now maybe I've found it.  The next home.  The camera flash hides the stained glass window above the mantel.  The neighborhood is nice but not trendy, and there's a chicken coop in the back yard.  If you don't hear from us at Lucky Penny HQ over the next few weeks, it's because we're packing and planning on making the new Lucky Penny lounge a lovely place to be. 

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