Is it my own form of anxiety induced dementia? For the life of me, I can't locate things. I'm itching to start a Bohus sweater, finally. I can't find my kits!
I'm working on finishing two vests to take to Ohio. It's silly, really. Most everyone there will have never seen me before, so how the H would they know that my knitted garments were new?
It's going to be one hella long drive to the big show. I have to leave before dawn on Friday, because I lose an hour going, and I want to make it there in time to get my bearings before I take a 2 pm class. I'm driving alone. I would love to have the Man come with, to see the spectacle, but after ten minutes there, I honestly don't know how I would keep him amused. It's best that he stay here, so Piccolo can stay home, too. I'll leave a list of Piccolo duties for him. I've learned after the last trip away.
I have two book signings at TNNA:
Saturday, June 7, 3 pm. R & M West Coast Enterprises, booth 100.
Sunday, June 8, 2 pm, Checker Distributors, booth 1813.
Showing something finished, at last! Socks from Mountain Colors Weavers Wool Quarters. I sort of made up the pattern, but I've been seeing it done by others on Ravelry. I have lots of this yarn in the stash, but now I'll use some of it for gloves, now that I've been bitten by that bug.
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