For some reason, at the mid point of every year, my finances hit the skids. It doesn't help that everything associated with the Lucky Penny wheels are due in July. Insurance, license, city sticker, oil change, etc. I have a car allowance from my "day job," but that hasn't been increased in three years, although gas prices have increased 100%. It seems like everyone is feeling the pain, and my own situation seems worse this year. I'm giving consideration to curtailing my Whole Foods habit, and shop at some place deeply discounted, like Aldi. The last time I was in one was more than fifteen years ago, and I found the experience extremely depressing.
The times also have me looking to my stash for more projects. Although there are some events coming this summer, and I would still like to indulge. Perhaps not to the degree that I have in the past.
I hear on the radio often that pets are also suffering from this tough economy. More shelters are filling with pets that have been surrendered because the family has lost their home. I can't imagine how hard that must be. The thought of it breaks my heart.
In the interest of recession busting, I'm going to sell off some stash and books from my library at the next event to offset show expenses, and have a little more "mad money" that will probably be spent in another vendor's booth at the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair. I'll have copies of Doggie Knits for sale there too, which is a great recession busting purchase. Projects that can be made with small quantities of yarn. Piccolo is wearing the Yoda sweater from the book. I made it completely with yarn left over from other projects, with colors placed randomly. I like this version better than the sweaters I knit in Noro Kureyon for the book. Yarns used in this sweater were from Briar Rose Fibers, Blackberry Ridge, and Cape Cod Fibers.
The Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair is July 18, 19, and 20 at McHenry County Community College. Check the Fiber and Folk website for hours and directions.
The night before, July 17, meet me at Arcadia Knitting, 1613 W. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, for a Doggie Knits trunk show and book signing. Festivities start at 7 pm.
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