Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Not So Conspicuous Consumer

These days I don't purchase much, with the exception of yarn or fabric.  I usually wear clothes out before they are replaced, and I intend to drive my car until it's done.  I'm over 225,00 miles so far, and the mechanic thinks that this engine will go on forever.  I cook at home more than I order out.  I don't splurge often.
When I was in college the first time, in the 70's, I had cheap tuition, parents who helped fund living expenses, and two jobs.  I always had some cash in my pocket, and a new pair of Frye boots every year.  I loved them.  Even though they waged a blistery war on my tender feet.  I don't know what happened to the vintage boots over the decades that followed.  Seeing the boots on the feet of others made me long for them again.  I had a gift card from Alamo Shoes, and a larger than expected royalty payment.  It was time.  They had exactly the style and color that I had wanted after browsing the Frye web page.  I had rushed over to Alamo after work, and got there shortly before they closed.  They were meant to be mine!
So groovy.  So hard to get on and off.  The breaking in begins.

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